Kos Physiotherapy and Wellness’ clinicians are experts in corrective exercise prescription and manual therapy techniques to minimize pain and improve performance…allowing you to reach your goals.
360º Clinical Evaluation
This is a comprehensive evaluation where we complete a thorough understanding of your deficits, your movement patterns, and most importantly - your goals. We are committed to providing you long term solutions in lieu of a temporary fix to the situation. This means we create a customized treatment plan to minimize and pain you may have, while addressing the underlaying cause.
What to expect:
Review of previous injuries and medical review
Movement Screen and Analysis
Muscle, joint, and neurological Assessment
Specific Injury Tests
Lifestyle Review
For Pelvic, Pregnancy, and Postpartum: In-depth analysis of pregnancy/birth (if applicable), and lifestyle
Exercise Prescription
Effectively dosed exercise prescription, with or without manual therapy, is required to create long-lasting effects.
At Kos Physiotherapy and Wellness, our physical therapists are elite providers of exercise prescription. We strive to ensure that the exercises provided to you will actually help you towards reaching your goals, instead of being mindless sets of an exercise that doesn’t really feel like anything.
Providers at Kos Physiotherapy and Wellness believe in living an active lifestyle, and are leaders in the industry to promote a balanced and active lifestyle.